The Employment Services (WTW) Program is the employment and training aspect of CalWORKs. It is a comprehensive statewide employment program designed to enable participants to achieve self-sufficiency through employment. The intent of the Welfare-to-Work Program is to provide employment and training services to virtually all adult recipients.
Mandatory Participation
Participation in the Employment Services (WTW) program is mandatory unless the participant is eligible to an exemption. Participation requirements are determined by the deprivation and household composition; single parent or 2 parent family, plus the age of the children in the home. A client’s cash grant may be lowered if he or she refuses or fails to meet program requirements without a good reason.
This is an hour based program with minimum hourly participation requirements. All participants will be required to be engaged in employment and/or training activities for enough hours each week to allow for substantial progress toward employment goals.
Participants will meet with an Employment Counselor to complete a comprehensive Appraisal and Assessment to develop a plan to determine what activities that individual will participate in.